**Title**: Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai
**Original title**: 大図書館の羊飼い
**Year**: Japan 2013-01-25, English Patch 2019-03-23
**Developer**: August
**Publishers**: August
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
**Related Anime**: [AniDB](http://anidb.net/a9765)
**Translation**: https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/b4iakc/daitoshokan_no_hitsujikai_full_patch_leak/
When he was young, Kyoutarou wanted to read all the magic books in the world, but they were all in the magic library. Someone told him that to get there, he must be kind to everyone and bring happiness to their hearts. He received a bookmark, which was his entrance ticket to the magic library.
One day while heading to school, he received a text from the ‘shepherd’ (hitsujikai) telling him that his fate was going to change. He had a vision of an accident at the tram station and helped prevent any injuries by calling away a nearby girl. That girl, Tsugumi, later came to the Library Club room, which he was a member of, to thank him and also to ask for his help to make Shiomi Academy more fun. It seemed that she had also received a text from the shepherd, who is rumoured to appear before people who try their best to grant their wishes. One by one, other students also join their group with the shepherd’s guidance.
1. You have to change system locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install. Run BGI.exe and play.
3. If you have problems with the text, install the font in the game folder. It was reported that, if you're using Locale Emulator the text will still be squished even after installing the font.(Thanks to mpg!)
**!!!** Link for "Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai ~Houkago Shippo Days~" side story(Translated in English): https://nyaa.si/view/1079672
**!!!** "This will fix the font overlap problem by increasing the spacing distance by 20%." Copy d3d9.dll in the game directory: https://workupload.com/file/hmEkw3XM

Any time I try and run the game I get the error "a debugger has been found running in your system, unload it and try starting the program again." any tips? please and thank you.
OK just got done trying without anti virus turned on and also on japanese uni code with anti virus turned off but again a debugger was found. I'm using windows 10 if thats any help.
Edit: got it to work...by using app locale in japanese...with my unicode in japanese which seems positively redudant but hey it works.
Oh yeah, now I remember what this reminds me of: Eustia!
No wonder; same developer (and artist, I presume)... lol
How disappointed I was -Jesus, like a decade ago!!- when that one's TL effort had ceased. Maybe this can fill that little void...
...Nah, I'm defo too old/too impatient/too busy/too depraved to still fully enjoy something like this. xD
But looks very nice. And big respect to everyone involved in the TL.
Plus also to supereImo, for the uploads!
I’m having trouble with the text too unfortunately https://imgur.com/gallery/JhGHh7D there are two different fonts to choose from, and it’s not like it’s illegible, but it makes it hard to read....anyone have any tips or suggestions to fix this?
To those who are having trouble in compressed font, go to reddit link then download the font then install.
Edit: It seems the font was also in the game folder, search simhei font in game folder then install.
I found that even after installing the font file using Locale Emulator doesn't work well. Changing the PC locale is a big improvement although still not perfect.
I already wrote about the font issue in the description. I don’t know if people having problems with it didn’t read the description, but If if they did and still have problems with the text after installing the font, try to unhide it in the fonts folder(right mouse button and “show”). It should be as in the screenshots. Can’t get any better than that.
I seem to be having trouble actually launching the game. When I double click "BGI.exe" to try launch the game, nothing happens.
My system locale is set to Japan, I have tried running the application as Administrator, disabled my antivirus and opening the exe file, adding the files to my antivirus's exception list and even re-downloading the torrent, and nothing. Other exe files I use open correctly, except this one.
I'm stumped at the moment. Any help someone could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Confirmed, the "a debugger was found" error having AVG and (in my case) Windows 7, can be fixed by changing Unicode to Japanese. Afterwards, I tried changing locale back to my language (Spanish), I used Locale Emulator and the game actually worked. But the text in-game was even worse, lol. Recommendation, Unicode to Japanese and play ;)
Some things I can think of: add an exception to your AV for the folder YOU ARE GOING TO download the game to, BEFORE downloading. It may have already silently removed some things it falsely considered suspicious that could be needed to run the game.
Also, if nothing happens when you double-click BGI.exe, then you probably are NOT in Japanese locale. It's a rookie mistake, but so many people make it that you would be surprised: to be in Japanese SYSTEM LOCALE, you need to set the language for non-unicode (under the administrative tab, in region settings) programs to Japanese, and not the location or whatevs. If you are unsure, google it.
Or use 'Locale Emulator'. But since the font will be effed up (according to the opening post and some commenters), you may...
...Use NTLEAS! Which is another locale emulator software. And in the case of this game, it makes the font appear just like it is on the screenshots here (and you can change the fonts used by NTLEAS, so you can even experiment with other fonts).
Again, google it and install, and voilá!
But as always, the safest bet is to have your system in actual Japanese locale.
It is fully translaterd...
It doesn't have honorics...( for those who prefered it )
Some translations are not accurate...
But so far...It is a very good game...
@Ghost224 Easy way to check if you have Japanese locale, right-click any file and click properties. If the path listed contains yen symbol(s), example: "E:¥11eyes¥11eyes.e" then you are in Japanese locale.
If you see slashes, "E:\11eyes\11eyes.e", instead, then you are not in Japanese locale.
Anyone knows why this happen? I got this whenever I load my save game. For example, it was save data when Misono and Serizawa branching route.
can you update the game? a new patch was released by the fantl staff here https://old.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/b4iakc/daitoshokan_no_hitsujikai_full_patch_leak/ejgzm69/ for the updated dmm ver of this game which has a skip to next choice button which is very useful
Well, it's not about updating the game, but uploading the download edition. The new patch reduces the font width instead of increasing the spacing distance and have some problems with messing text in the settings. So, unless someone is desperate for "skip to next choice" button, I think this is the better version, especially after applying the font fix patch, which I think is the better solution than reducing the font width.
Kannazuki: Probably a corrupted save file? If you can upload your save files and post the link here I'll test it.
@thanatosxd: This is the 1.10 changelog.
Apart from those added skip to next / previous choice buttons (and I guess some very few missing voice lines fixes), it's just typo corrections. And since the update very probably is not only making changes to one or two little files, or only adds a small patch file (which could be added to the description, for instance), the whole updated v1.10 would have to be uploaded again; or at least the original game, which you could then install and then update through the online 1.10 updater and then patch that with the new reddit patch...
Guess you can still do that if you really want those skip to choices buttons (you probably can find a working torrent with the original uncracked game if you look).
Also, thx @supereImo, the fontfix really makes things look much better.
Kannazuki: Yup, I think the last save file is corrupted. Didn’t find anything wrong with the rest of the save files, only the last save and the last quick save. Good thing you saved a lot. I think your only option is to start from previous save(Data Load on the main menu instead of Continue).
@zhii well that's my only issue though, i can't find a download or working torrent with that 1.10 ver, I've tried the autoupdate.exe with the raw game but its not working anymore for a reason (someone told me its working long ago and also im poor enough to not purchase the game) well if you can help me with links thats really appreciated
Can't seem to get the font fix to work, I must be doing something wrong... just don't know what.
Non-Unicode Region set to japanese ( game path look like this : F:¥Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai )
The fix : d3d9.dll, is in the game folder, same place as BGI.exe
simhei.ttf is also in that same folder
Am I missing something obvious ?
superelmo : thanks that was it, stupid of me
CakedEden: Use the save files Kannazuki uploaded - https://www.avxdown.com/view/2681080#com-32. You can also let the game skip in the background. It should stop skipping on the last place you were if “skip type” is set to read. And, save a lot, cos some people reported that the game breaks the saves in certain places.
kinai: Try installing the simhei.tff file(right click and install). It should look like that with the font fix applied - https://i.imgur.com/Lv61hsb.jpg, without the font fix it should look like in the screenshots.
The font fix is definitely working. From the description: “It was reported that, if you’re using Locale Emulator the text will still be squished even after installing the font.” So, either change system locale to Japanese or try another program, like in example NT Locale Emulator Advance(not tested).
@thanatosxd: Well, I was about to suggest that there is a working torrent on nyaa for the v1.00 version from [130125], but... just tried it with that and no dice. The updater won't work because it believes the installed game has the latest files (for me). And the new reddit patch won't work with the installed game. I suspect it's some very minor differences bw the DLsite and DMM versions and updates... Short of finding a working v1.10 DMM upload/torrent, I think you're flat out of luck... Which is probably the case, sadly. Maybe you can try your luck on reddit - actually someone (not me, though! lol) has already mentioned the error the DLsite version gets with the V2 patch...
I played the whole thing with the fixes in the description and PC in Japanese locale. No problems at all. It would be nice to have the skip to next choice option since you have to restart the game to get all the endings. An uncensored patch would be nice too lol!
I can confirm that the game works with NTLEA:
1. Make a shortcut with NTLEA
2. Install the font included with the download
3. Use the d3d9.dll file that superImo provided
It still works without the d3d9.dll file but the spacing is still just a little off without it, still readable, but not 100%.
@Kannazuki that happened to me when I used the option of 'suspend' the game iirc.
That makes your game start directly (without passing by the title screen) where you left it.
I had to delete some saves too, I think they were number 140+ or so?
@lucascba93 you mean continue button or what? I just restart it all over again, since even randomly I got error when making new save, for example choosing Misono route further ahead.
I think the save file you're trying to load is already corrupted, delete it if it’s suspend save or start from previous save. Also, better don’t use suspend save and save often on different slots.
@banggali When you end (and save) the game with the suspend button (bottom-right, looks like a power on/off button). It will prompt "Suspend game? (The game will begin here upon next startup)" after clicking it.
Right. Only Ntleas Core.GUI Build 46 helps with font damage. Locale Emulator does nothing and setting PC to Japanese locale is horrible advice, since it ruins non-English folders/file names... Hope this help!
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