**Title**: Kashidashi Tsuma, Mayumi no "Netorase" Houkoku 2 Binkan Tsuma to Hitotsu no "Uso"
**Original Title**: 貸し出し妻、真由美の“ネトラセ”報告2 敏感妻とひとつの”嘘”
**Year**: Japan 2019-05-31, English Patch 2019-06-12
**Developer**: Atelier Sakura
**Publishers**: Atelier Sakura
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
**Translation**: Mayumianon
1. You need to change locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install.
3. Translator's Notes:
"Hi. This is an English translation patch for Atelier Sakura's Mayumi's Cuckolding Report 2.
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Again, I don't own shit. All assets are owned by Atelier Sakura.
Buy the game here so Onboro would stop fucking teasing Mayumi 3 and actually work on it.
Make sure you open the Staff Room to unlock an option to a hidden scene.
Should be easy to find so I'm not spoiling it here.
If you got anything to say, hit me up at
[email protected].
See you."
-Anonymous on /h/
**!!!** Link for the first game: https://www.avxdown.com/view/2619193
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