![alt text](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/1396050/ss_c35bcab9c4fb602a16cc404000bb614bc3ca70a5.1920x1080.jpg)
**Title**: Kirakira Stars Idol Project Reika
**Year**: 2020-10-29
**Developer**: sushi_soft
**Publishers**: sushi_soft
**Language**: English, Japanese, Chinese
**Voice**: Japanese
This is Idol Wars Z spin off.
"Are you the idol singing on stage?"
After the first live, Nobuyuki and Ai have a fateful encounter with the top idol, Nagisa Yuki. Half a year later. Due to Miwako's efforts, Nobuyuki and his colleagues will participate in the joint lesson of the well-established entertainment production "Uesugi Production". While working with Nagisa through the joint lesson, it is decided that a festival of idols-DivaFes will be held ...
"What do you do? As an idol-what do you want to do?"
"I also participate-No, I want to challenge!"
DivaFes and Ai take on the challenge of taking the next step as an idol in the joint lesson.
1. No need to install.
**!!!** Thanks to BaasB
**!!!** [Kirakira Stars Idol Project Ai](https://www.avxdown.com/view/2943229)
**!!!** [Kirakira Stars Idol Project Nagisa](https://www.avxdown.com/view/3052314)
![alt text](https://i.pixxxels.cc/Bv4YmWH2/s.png)
![alt text](https://i.pixxxels.cc/sxTsg9zN/ss.png)
![alt text](https://i.pixxxels.cc/NFsQtC3X/sss.png)
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