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Should be everything from 匠ぷにもえ circle
SHC-001, SHC-002, SHC-007, SHC-008, SHC-009, SHC-010, SHC-011, SHC-013, SHC-014, SHC-015, SHC-017, SHC-018, SHC-019 are from 白虎企画 circle, which should already be in
SHC-056 is from セックスパラノイア circle
SHC-118 -
SHC-119 -
which are from Go!Go!原作レイ◯ーズ circle (4K and so far only two releases so not gonna bother doing a collection torrent)
thumbs & list pdf -
Yeah, fuck Punimoe and their hundreds of different circles but somehow still using the same release prefixes. There are some missing numbers such as SHC-083, SHC-084, SHC-103, etc and god knows where these releases are in which circle. On top of that, they release in random order so who knows, maybe some of them might pop up years later or some shit.
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